css flex

The CSS flex property is a shorthand for setting the flex-grow , flex-shrink , and flex-basis CSS properties at once.


Flex-wrap is a css property that allows you to align your elements vertically or horizontally.

It is a css flex property, which means it can be used with the other flex properties such as justify-content and align-items, to specify how content should wrap around an element with multiple lines.

This can be useful for responsive designs where you have several items on one line but want them to wrap onto multiple lines, or perhaps set up some sort of grid system where items must always be aligned in certain ways depending on how long they are etc.

Css flex
Css flex

css flex

Flexbox is a layout mode introduced in CSS3, which lets you easily align elements horizontally or vertically. It works by distributing unused space along the main axis or between sibling items along the cross axis. You can also choose whether to prioritize the main-axis or cross-axis when distributing unused space.

You can create flexible layouts using flexbox by following these steps:

  • Set up your containers using display: flex; . Each container needs to have at least one child element in it for this to work correctly (you can have multiple children). You can have any number of containers as long as they are siblings and do not overlap each other’s margins or paddings (i.e., if their parent has padding).
  • Change how items align inside each container, depending on their properties’ value — justify-content , align-items , and/or align-self — which allows you to determine whether items should stretch across all available space (stretch) or fit inside the container without overflowing its boundaries (flex).

css flexbox

To use flexbox in CSS, you first need to define the container element. This is a parent element that contains all of your other elements. In most cases, this will be the tag of your HTML document.

Next, you’ll need to add display: flex; to a child element (usually an or ) within the container element to create a flex container. This tells browsers that they should use the new flexible layout model instead of their default block layout model.

Finally, add justify-content: space-between; or justify-content: space-around; on any children that share their parent’s width property in order for them to fill up their available space evenly on both sides (or only one side).

Css flex
Css flex

display flex css

  • Flex-direction: flex-direction allows you to control the direction in which your flex items are laid out. It can be row, column or column-reverse. In this article we will use row and column.
  • Flex-wrap: flex-wrap controls whether a flex item is allowed to break out of its container or not. By default, the value for it is nowrap which means that if there is not enough space inside their container to accommodate all of them then they will stay one below another until there’s enough room to fit them all (and then they start wrapping). When set as wrap they will automatically wrap if needed without any extra code required from you – no matter how many items you have they’ll always fit on one line only so you won’t have some items cut off while others are overlapping each other because there’s no more room left! This property works great with justify-content; for example when justify-content aligns content horizontally within a container but does not take care about wrapping at all – so if an item doesn’t fit horizontally within its parent then what happens? You guessed right! You need some way of determining how many lines should fit into an element’s width before going back up again so this property comes in handy here too!
  • Align Content: aligns self vertically within its parent element based on specified values such as top/bottom/center

css flex wrap

The flex-wrap property controls whether a flex container splits its contents into multiple lines or scrolls them into a single line. This is useful when you have more content than will fit in a single row. The default value for this property is nowrap, which means that all items will be laid out in a single row (just like the HTML table cell).

The flex-wrap property accepts 3 values:

  • row – items will wrap onto multiple rows (horizontal)
  • column – items will wrap onto multiple columns (vertical)
  • wrap – items can fill any number of rows and/or columns
Css flex
Css flex

css 3 flexbox

  • flex-direction is the direction in which you want your items to be laid out. The possibilities are: row, column, or row-reverse. To change the direction from row to column or vice versa, use the following commands:
  • “flex-direction:”row””: Sets the direction for elements in a single line of an element with multiple lines (for example, a long word wrap on narrow screens).
  • “flex-direction:”column””: Sets the direction for elements that span across more than one line of an element with multiple lines (for example, a long word wrap on wide screens). This will only work if there are no gaps between items like padding or margins. If there are gaps between items then they will not be aligned properly unless you have set align-content as well – see below.

display flex css

  • Flex-direction: This controls the direction in which flex items are laid out. The possible values are:
  • row – The flex items will be stacked vertically.
  • column – The flex items will be stacked horizontally.
  • row-reverse – The order of the flex items is reversed (from right to left).
  • Flex-wrap: This property controls whether or not a flex container should have a flexible width and/or height, which is useful when you have elements that are wider than their container element, but don’t want them to overflow it as a result.* Justify-content: This property sets how its children’s content should be distributed along this axis; by default it aligns them at the center of their parent’s available space (the size of its value).* Align-items: This property sets how to align its children’s content within an item on this axis; by default it aligns them at the center of their parent’s available space (the size of its value).* Order: You can use order if you want something inside your container to appear first before other elements within that same container.*
Css flex
Css flex


Flexbox is a layout mode for the CSS box model that’s designed to lay out elements on a page. It’s a powerful tool, but it can be tricky to use if you don’t know what you’re doing. One of the first things you’ll notice about flexbox is its flex-direction property, which determines whether an element will grow from left to right (row) or from top to bottom (column). You can also reverse this with row-reverse and column-reverse.





The flex-wrap property accepts 3 values: row – items will wrap onto multiple rows (horizontal) column – items will wrap onto multiple columns (vertical) wrap – items can fill any number of rows and/or columnThe justify-content CSS property controls how flex items are aligned in the cross axis. This is the direction perpendicular to the main-axis.s


The align-items property aligns flex items in the cross axis. It’s a shorthand property that combines justify-content and align-self.

The justify-content property aligns flex items along the main axis. It also distributes any free space around them. The align-self property controls how an element is aligned within its parent, when there is extra space along the axis of more than one item, or if there are multiple rows (the row effectively becomes a series of columns).

This can be a useful way to center an element vertically in its container without having to use JavaScript.

Css flex
Css flex


The order property is not a valid CSS property. The order property is a valid Flexbox property, however, and it does exactly what you’d expect: it allows you to define the order of your flex items. This comes in handy when you have elements that overlap each other on the screen or need to be stacked in a certain way.

The order value of an item can be defined either as pixels or percentages; however, percentage values are relative to their parent’s width and height (so they don’t work very well if you’re trying to stack elements). For example:

css flex

Flex layout is a CSS feature that allows you to create flexible and responsive layouts by using the Flexbox model. A flex container expands its items to fill available free space or shrinks them to prevent overflow, similar to how text wraps in a paragraph.

In this guide, you will learn about some of the basic concepts behind flexbox and how they can be used to build modern web applications.


If you’re ready to start using flexbox in your projects, check out our guide on how to get started with CSS flexbox.

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