How does laravel work?

How does laravel work ? Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web application framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Laravel was first released in 2011, with its first major release coming three years later in 2014. It provides an extensive set of tools for building web applications using many different coding styles. The primary goal of the Laravel framework is to make it easier for developers to write more secure and maintainable code.

What is laravel?

How does laravel work ?. Laravel is a framework for PHP programming, created by Taylor Otwell. It’s an open source project that anyone can contribute to, and it’s free to use.

Laravel was released in 2011 and includes a number of popular features. For example, it includes a command line interface for creating projects with various options, which makes it easy to get started with laravel if you’re already familiar with the command line.

laravel work

What is php?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It’s a programming language that allows developers to create dynamic websites and web applications in an easy way. PHP can be embedded in HTML files and executed by the server when someone visits your site, which makes it ideal for building modern websites with large amounts of traffic.

How does laravel work ?. It also includes a built-in templating language called Blade, which enables you to write clean and concise templates. Laravel is a popular choice for developers because it includes many features that are useful for web applications and other types of software development as wellPHP is a server-side language. This means that it’s processed by your web server, which then calculates and returns the result to your browser. You can use PHP to create dynamic pages on the fly and store data in databases, among many other things..

Why do we use it?

How does laravel work ?. Laravel is a PHP framework, which means that its functionality is built into the language itself. This means that you don’t need to install any additional software in order to use it.

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source server-side scripting language designed for web development, but also used as a general-purpose programming language. It was originally developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has since been extended by numerous developers around the world. The LAMP software bundle (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Perl/Python) is often used together with this technology stack to create dynamic websites and web applications.

Laravel makes it easy for us to develop complex web applications more quickly than we could with other tools such as Ruby on Rails or CakePHP because of its focus on convention over configuration; meaning there are fewer decisions we have to make up front when designing our application’s architecture.

The laravel installation process

To install Laravel, you will need to use the composer package manager. Composer manages dependencies for your project, so that you don’t have to worry about them on the command line. To learn more about managing dependencies with composer, read the “Managing Dependencies” chapter in [The Guide](

  • Create a new project using the laravel installer:

“`php artisan make:project MyProject –prefer-dist“`

How does laravel work?. This command will create a new folder called `MyProject` which contains your freshly minted project structure and files for editing code or working on your application (outside of `public`, “resources`, “vendors`, etc.). You can always run this command again later if you find yourself wanting another fresh copy of this same starter kit!

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The most important laravel files and directories

How does laravel work ?. The following files and folders are the most important ones in a Laravel application:

  • app/bootstrap/cache – contains the auto-generated code for your application, as well as some cached files that are used to speed up other operations
  • config – contains configuration variables for your application (like database credentials)
  • database/migrations – stores migration scripts that modify your database schema over time
  • public/storage – contains uploaded images, documents or other files

Laravel architecture and the MVC pattern

In order to understand how Laravel works, you need to know a little bit about the MVC pattern. The MVC pattern is a software design pattern which separates the user interface from the business logic.

How does laravel work?. It’s an acronym for Model-View-Controller. The model contains all of your application’s business logic and represents your database tables in code; views are what gets presented on your website as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; controllers are what translate user input (like clicking on an element) into commands that can be executed by models or views.

In a nutshell: Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects.

What is an MVC framework?

An MVC framework is a software framework that separates application logic, presentation and data access into three distinct features. It’s called Model-View-Controller because the application is divided into three parts:

  • Model – This part is responsible for handling the data. In most MVC frameworks, it’s also responsible for validating your data before it’s stored in your database.
  • View – This part displays information to users in a readable format such as HTML. Typically this includes generating pages or templates based on what you’ve told it by Controller (which we’ll discuss shortly). It can also be used to add functionality like JavaScript widgets or AJAX functionality–for example, creating a drop down menu using jQuery where each option changes when you click on another item within it (like an account balance).
  • Controller – This part handles all incoming requests from users such as loading up a specific page in response to someone clicking on something within another page or even deleting records from your database if they choose “delete” after finding something they want removed from their account page.(
laravel work

MVC and laravel

MVC is a software design pattern that separates an application into three interconnected parts.

  • Model: The model represents the data of your application, including any business logic related to that data. In Laravel, this typically corresponds to database tables and their rows.
  • View: The view is what the user sees and interacts with when they access your application’s pages. This may include HTML markup, but it could also be something like JSON or XML responses from a RESTful API endpoint.
  • Controller: In web development, the controller acts as an intermediary between the view and model layers of an MVC architecture by handling requests coming in through its routes (more on this later) and then using those requests to load data from models into views that are displayed in response to those requests (e.g., “@VincentDotCom wants a taco right now”).

How to deal with the database in laravel?

Let’s start with the basics. How do you connect to the database in laravel? Well, it’s easy! All we need is a Laravel database configuration file and we’re good to go:


php artisan make:config –database=mysql

“` Now that we have our configuration files all set up, let’s look at how we can use eloquent models in laravel. Eloquent is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for PHP that helps you work with databases in a more object oriented way. It allows you to define relationships between your database tables and models; this means that if you have two tables related by a one-to-one relationship (e.g., users and user roles), then Eloquent will automatically create foreign keys for each table so they can be accessed as objects instead of just fields from SQL queries.

How does laravel work?. This saves time because rather than storing data directly into the database via SQL queries whenever necessary during development/testing processes, all interaction with the database has already been abstracted out into objects which makes working much easier later down line when coding actual production applications using these techniques.”

laravel work

Talking to the database using eloquent

How does laravel work ?. Laravel uses the concept of an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) to talk to the database. ORMs are used to abstract away some of the complexity involved in working with databases and allow developers to focus on what they really want to do: develop applications.

The Laravel ORM is called Eloquent, but it’s not actually an ORM—it’s a Domain-Specific Language (DSL). That means that instead of using SQL or PHP commands directly, you use Eloquent statements that look like normal English sentences. For example:


// Create a user model and insert into database

User::create([ ‘name’ => $name]); // Update user with id = 1 by setting name property value

User::find(1)->update([ ‘name’ => $name]); // Delete user with id = 2 from database

After reading this article, you should have basic knowledge about how does laravel work

How does laravel work ?. Laravel is a free, open source, PHP web application framework. It was created in 2011 by Taylor Otwell and many other contributors. Laravel is based on Symfony framework, which provides its core functionality of the framework. It includes an in-built support for building APIs using the popular RESTful protocol.[1]

Laravel has won several awards and popularity for being an advanced PHP framework that helps developers build robust web applications quickly. It uses Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm to structure code into classes and use inheritance as well as polymorphism to provide reusability and extensibility of codebase – one of the key features of most modern frameworks[2].


When you understand how the framework works, you can build your own applications. This article covered the basics of laravel and how it works. The next step would be to learn about more advanced features of laravel like routing in details, handling forms or working with sessions.

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