Use of rayban smart glasses. I have been trying out a pair of ray ban smart glasses. They aren’t anything special just regular glasses with a heads up display. The head up display is sort of cool but it might be better if the glasses were sunglasses so you could see them better when you are driving or walking around in the sun. You can get prescription lenses from most eyeglasses stores and put them in the rayban frames, but then they would be prescription sunglasses instead of prescription glasses which might not be such a good idea if you are driving or walking around outside

they are not anything special just normal glasses
Ray-Ban is not a smart-glass brand, although they do make some. They’re just regular glasses that you can purchase from any local optometrist.
The Ray-Ban sunglasses I bought are not smart glasses and do not have any added features to help you navigate in your day to day life. For example, they don’t have a facial recognition system like the Google Glasses or even a small camera like the Snap Spectacles.
You can get these Ray-Bans anywhere — Walmart, Target, Amazon — pretty much anywhere with an optical section will sell them for around $200-$250 depending on where you live and what kind of lenses/frames you want (I went with polarized brown frames).
So what else should we know about these Ray-Bans? Well… nothing really! They are just normal prescription glasses without any special features besides being made by one of the most popular sunglass brands on earth!

they have a head up display
Ray-Ban has made available its first smart glasses, called RB5401. The key feature of the new Ray-Ban smart glasses is that they have a heads up display (HUD). This HUD is located on the inside of your lenses and can be seen when you look down at it. It is not a big screen like those found in traditional HUDs but instead projects information onto your retina so that it appears to be floating in front of your eyes.
the heads up display is sort of cool but it might be better if the glasses were a pair of sunglasses
The heads up display is sort of cool, but I think it would be better if the glasses were just a pair of sunglasses with a tiny screen. The heads up display is hard to see in bright sunlight or under direct light, making it difficult to use for extended periods of time.
The glasses are very comfortable and light, but they do not look like regular sunglasses. They are bulky, which can make wearing them in public difficult if you don’t want people to notice you have a computer on your face.

you can get prescription lenses from most eyeglasses stores and put them in the rayban frames
If you already have prescription lenses for your glasses, you can get new frames and put them in the rayban frames.
To do this:
- Take the prescription lenses out of your current glasses and put them in a safe place
- Get new rayban frames like I did. I got my regular eyeglasses store to order them online so they were ready when I went back to pick them up (I was able to use their fitting kit). If you don’t want to go through this hassle, just go buy some fake ones on ebay or something. Or just get one pair of smart glasses with no prescription lenses and use those instead. It’s up to you!
Once you have the right frame size, measure it with a ruler so that when it comes time for installation we’ll know how big they should be cut at the bottom edge so that they don’t stick out too far (or not far enough). Then take off these protective films so we can see where exactly where our cut should happen…
ray ban smart glasses are just regular glasses with a heads up display
Hi! Did you know that ray ban smart glasses are just regular glasses with a heads up display? They’re kind of cool but I think they would be better if they were sunglasses. You can get prescription lenses from most eyeglasses stores and put them in the rayban frames, so that’s fun too!
The rayban smart glasses are a great idea but they are not anything special just normal glasses. The heads up display is sort of cool but it might be better if the glasses were a pair of sunglasses. You can get prescription lenses from most eyeglasses stores and put them in the rayban frames
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